Initiatives we like

We list here other initiatives, ideas and programs that aims at improving programing skills of students, PhDs, postdocs and researchers.


To facilitate sharing and reusing of data among researchers Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry, workshops are offered to PhDs and researchers at UiO and OUS.

The Carpentries

Teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

NeIC CodeRefinery

Teach students and researchers how to write better code and provide research groups with software development e-infrastructure tools to collaboratively develop, review, discuss, test, and share their codes.

Nordic Research Software Engineer Group

Bring together the community of people writing and contributing to research software from Nordic universities, research institutes, companies and other organizations to share knowledge, to organize meetings, and raise awareness for the scientific recognition of research software.

R-Ladies Oslo

Non-profit, civil society community designed to develop our members' R skills & knowledge through social, collaborative learning & sharing.