Instructor Notes

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Introduction to R and RStudio

Visualisation with ggplot2Setting valuesGeometrical objects

Subsetting data with dplyrWrap-up

Data sorting and pipes dplyrWrap-up

When reading this part, read it as follows when typing:

assign to the “chinstraps” object, taking the penguins dataset, and then filtering the species column so we only have Chinstraps, and then selecting away all columns that start with the string “bill”

When reading this part, read it as follows when typing:

taking the penguins dataset

When reading this part, read it as follows when typing:

taking the penguins dataset, and then filtering the species column so we only have Chinstraps

When reading this part, read it as follows when typing:

taking the penguins dataset, and then filtering the species column so we only have Chinstraps, and then selecting away all columns that start with the string “bill”

When reading this part, read it as follows when typing:

taking the penguins dataset, and then arrainging the rows by the island column

When reading this part, read it as follows when typing:

taking the penguins dataset, and then arrainging the rows by the island column in descending order

When reading this part, read it as follows when typing:

taking the penguins dataset, and then arrainging the rows by the islan column, and then selecing all columns that are numeric

When reading this part, read it as follows when typing:

taking the penguins dataset, and then arrainging the rows by the islan column, and then selecing the island column and all columns that are numeric, and then filtering toe rows so that sex is equals to male

Data manipulation with dplyrPiping into ggplotAdding colourChanging colourChanging the overall lookWrap up

When reading this part, read it as follows when typing:

taking the penguins dataset, and then filter the rows so we only have male penguins, and then plot the data with ggplot, with bill length on the x-axis, and add a bar chart

When reading this part, read it as follows when typing:

taking the penguins dataset, and then filter the rows so we penguins from the Dream island, and then plot the data with ggplot, with species on the x-axis and flipper length on the y-axis, and add a box plot

Data manipulation with dplyrAdding new variables,Wrap up

Reshaping data with tidyrCreating longer dataWrap up

Data summaries with dplyrMotivation

Complex data pipelinesMotivation

Data manipulation across columns