
Carpentry@UiO Charter #

This charter describes our procedures and regulations.

Organization #

The organisation’s board is made up of 8 members:

  • 6 members elected for 3-year terms
  • 2 members are designated by the UiO Library

Elections will be organized every year for renewing two of the elected members of the board. Board terms start January 1st.

At the first meeting of the new board after the election, the board will appoint a board chair, vice chair, communications officer, secretary, community events officer, and elections officer.

Officer positions should normally be filled by elected members.

Responsibilities of each officer of the board are as follows:

Chair #

  • Oversee regularly scheduled board meetings and call special meetings as necessary
  • Prepare the agenda for board meetings
  • Receive all communication from UiO to the board and relay as necessary

Vice-Chair #

  • Understand the responsibilities of the board chair and be able to perform these duties in the chair’s absence
  • Ensure that any board members who have been given tasks know what it is they have been asked to do
  • Check that action has been taken following decisions at previous meetings

Secretary #

  • Ensure that someone is assigned to and takes minutes during all board meetings
  • Ensure that decisions and action items are reported in formal minutes published publicly
  • Revise minutes for publication, and publish minutes

Communications officer #

  • Receive all communication from community to the board and relay as necessary
    • Mentoring instructor trainees towards certification and teaching

Community events officer #

  • Organise regular community events, for example once per semester

Elections officer #

  • Recruit community members to stand for election
  • Coordinate the election
  • This role should preferably be held by a board member rotating off the board at the next election

Elections #

The criteria for individuals to stand for election to the board are:

  • Is a member of the Carpentry@UiO, broadly defined
  • Has participated in a Carpentries event in any capacity (learner, helper, instructor, organizer, board member or host) at UiO or elsewhere in the past 2 years

Board members will not serve for more than two consecutive three year terms, followed by at least a one year hiatus before serving any new term(s).

Anyone who has participated in a Carpentries event in any capacity (learner, helper, instructor, organizer, board member or host) at UiO or elsewhere in the past 2 years will be eligible to vote.

Elections will be held at an annual community meeting each year preferably taking place in November or December. The two candidates who received the largest number of votes will constitute the newly elected members of the next board. In case of ties, a new round of voting takes place restricted to the tied candidates.

Vacancies inbetween elections #

If an elected board member needs to step down from the board, the board will work to find a replacement to fill the empty seat from the members eligible for election. Candidates from the last election that received some votes, but not enough for them to be elected should be considered first to fill such a vacancy.

Amendments to the Charter #

Amendments to the charter can be proposed by existing board members in writing in advance of any board meeting.

Amendments require a 2/3 majority vote to be accepted.

This text is based on the University of Florida Carpentries Club Charter.